another bad day apparently..
and its much worse then yesterday..
and to think yesterday was already bad enuf..
2day, i only had moral paper, so i still have 2 go 2 sch in de morning..
7.30am reach de stupid sch, 2.30pm only exam...
and de old man really crossed de line..
he's gonna get it...
just for confiscating a key chain of mine (the above 2 pics)
and i can't find it anywhere else edi!!!
i wouldn't be so damn angry if it can be bought easily..
but now, if he doesn't give it back 2 me, i would have a hard time hunting for it...
that f*cktard old imbecilic moron..
and he still hv de cheek 2 reprimand me for going down the other staircase??
whats wrong with that?!?!?!
i hope u fall down and die somewhere far away from me u bald moron...
i will make u suffer for the last 2 days i can go 2 sch for exams...
see if u feel whether its worth it a not..
for confiscating my key chain...
yea, note de angry face up there...
oh and i'm blogging abt this now becuz i just reached home in hopes of 2mr being better...
if it doesn't, then i might go crazy...
and Mr Wong, watch ur back old man..
u nvr know what might hit u...
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